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Do I Make Myself Clear-- Why Writing Well Matters
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Do I Make Myself Clear-- Why Writing Well Matters
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由當代最傑出的編輯Harry Evan爵士撰寫,兼具智慧與娛樂性的英文正確寫作指南
英國資深記者兼主編Harry Evans曾編輯無數的文件,如從戰地記者回傳的緊急檔案到季辛吉複雜的思考過程。他並因其對新聞業的貢獻受冊封為爵士。在這本指導如何良好寫作的指南中,他將把他敏銳的洞察力傳授給讀者。
對上一代作家而言,正確的用字遣詞如同氧氣一般,但在數位時代裡,加上所有的TTYL, LMK與 WTF等縮寫,已經切斷了那氧氣流。政府和公司行號的公文造作難懂,使得撰文者與閱讀者的距離越來越遠。追求精確的強烈欲望已經從我們的文化中消失了,在任何形式的書寫中,我們可以看見一個潮流--追求更快的速度與更多的資訊,但十分不清晰與精確。
*New York Times Bestseller *
A wise and entertaining guide to writing English the proper way by one of the greatest newspaper editors of our time.
Harry Evans has edited everything from the urgent files of battlefield reporters to the complex thought processes of Henry Kissinger. He's even been knighted for his services to journalism. In DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?, he brings his indispensable insight to us all in his definite guide to writing well.
The right words are oxygen to our ideas, but the digital era, with all of its TTYL, LMK, and WTF, has been cutting off that oxygen flow. The compulsion to be precise has vanished from our culture, and in writing of every kind we see a trend towards more--more speed and more information but far less clarity.
Evans provides practical examples of how editing and rewriting can make for better communication, even in the digital age. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? is an essential text, and one that will provide every writer an editor at his shoulder.
- 作者: Evans, Harold
- 原文出版社:Little Brown & Co
- 出版日期:2017/05/16
- 語言:英文
Do I Make Myself Clear-- Why Writing Well Matters